Verbes réguliers en -IR à l'infinitif


abolirto abolish
accomplirto accomplish
adoucirto soften, to sweeten
agrandirto make bigger, larger
amincirto grow slim, slender
atterrirto land
bâtirto build
blanchirto whiten
brunirto turn brown, to tan
choisirto choose
élargirto widen, to make wider
embellirto embellish, to make beautiful
établirto establish
finirto finish
fleurirto flower
grandirto grow (up)
grossirto get fat
guérirto cure, get well, make well
jaunirto yellow
maigrirto get skinny
noircirto blacken
obéir àto obey
punirto punish
pâlirto turn pale, to lighten in color
raccourcirto shorten
rajeunirto rejuvenate, to grow young
ralentirto slow down
réfléchir àto reflect (think)
remplirto fill (up, out, in)
rétrécirto shrink
réunirto reunite, to gather up
réussir à (un examen)to succeed in /at, to pass a test
rougirto redden, to turn red
salirto get, make dirty
verdirto turn green
vieillirto grow old, to get old
vomirto vomit
saisirto seize, to grasp an idea