Dans la salle de classe

the binder =
the student = (m. et f.)
the teacher = (le/la prof.)
the stapler = (f.)
the desk =
the notebook =
the calculator =
the map =
the chair =
scissors = (m.)
the glue =
the trash can =
the pencil =
the homework = (sing) / (pl.)
the sheet of paper =
the marker =
the eraser =
the clock =
the book =
the chalk =
the computer =
the stationer’s =
the hole puncher =
the student’s desk = le pupitre
the ruler =
the backpack =
the classroom =
the pen =
the table = la table
the board = (blanc/noir)
the pencil sharpener =
the pencil case =
the flag =
the door =
the window =